The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), located at 38 Unique Avenue, off Aker Road, Rumuolumeni, was a sight to behold on Sunday, April 28, 2024, as it played host to the heartwarming dedication ceremony of Baby Obuso Glorylight Barisi-Ziado Andrew Adah.

The church auditorium was packed full with friends, relatives, and
well-wishers who had come from far and near to witness this
remarkable milestone in the lives of Mr. Andrew Adah and his lovely wife, Faith.

As the ceremony commenced, the atmosphere in the church was filled with a sense of reverence and anticipation. The congregants eagerly awaited the moment when Faith would take the microphone to share her testimony of God’s miraculous conception and delivery of their precious child.

Dressed in an elegant white lace gown, Faith stood before the attentive audience, her eyes shining with gratitude and love. Her husband, Andrew Adah, also attired on white lace shirt and trouser, stood by her side, cradling their bundle of joy in his arms, his face reflecting a mixture of pride and profound emotion.

With the microphone in hand, Faith’s voice resonated throughout the auditorium as she began to recount the miraculous journey that had led to the birth of Baby Obuso Glorylight. “You won’t understand”, she told the congregation as she shared about challenges, the moments of doubt and despair, and the countless prayers offered in faith.

Faith’s testimony was a testament to dogged faith and the
power of prayer. She spoke of the moment they received the news of her pregnancy, a moment filled with overwhelming joy and gratitude. She expressed her deep appreciation for the support and encouragement they had received from their loved ones throughout the process.

Tears of joy welled up in the eyes of many as Faith’s testimony
touched their hearts. Her words were a poignant reminder of the
miracles that can unfold when one holds steadfast to their faith.

Following Faith’s testimony, the atmosphere in the church
transformed into one of jubilation and exultation. Sensational Bro. Kelechi set the church on fire in spirited traditional praise, his voice
harmonizing beautifully as he sang in Igbo, Urhobo and Ogoni – songs of thanksgiving and adoration.

The joyful energy was infectious, and soon the entire auditorium was filled with dancing and celebration. Friends, family members, and well-wishers embraced one another, their spirits lifted by the
overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude that permeated the auditorium.

The ceremony reached its pinnacle when the preacher, Mummy Shirley Obasi, delivered an inspiring sermon, reminding the congregation of the significance of dedicating a child to God’s service. Her words resonated deeply with the attendees, reinforcing their commitment to raising Baby Obuso Glorylight in a nurturing environment that would foster her spiritual growth.

As the ceremony drew to a close, the couple, Mr. and Mrs. Adah,
expressed their heartfelt appreciation to everyone who had graced the occasion. They thanked God for His faithfulness and the blessings bestowed upon their family.





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